Queensland Museum Kurilpa, Brisbane and the museum car park is temporarily closed today (Friday 4 October) due to a burst water main, impacting water flow to our facilities. All other Queensland Museum locations remain open as usual.
The Queensland Government is committed to providing access to information it holds unless, on balance, it is contrary to the public interest to release that information. The Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009 promote a culture of openness, accountability and transparency within the Queensland Government, balanced with appropriate protections for certain information, including personal information.
Information about Queensland Museum is available on our website and through the Queensland Government's Open Data portal.
If the information is not already available, or if you wish to amend documents containing personal information where you believe relevant information is inaccurate, misleading, out of date or incomplete please contact us.
Alternatively, submit an Right to Information or Information Privacy access application online.
To formally have your personal information amended, please complete a Personal Information Amendment Application form.
Information requested and released through the Right to Information process is made available to the public through our disclosure log.
Queensland Museum manages the State Collection, delivers original research, manages a culturally appropriate repatriation program, offers learning resources, outreach programs and publishes best-selling books.
Queensland Museum is committed to transparency, and we take every effort to make it easy for you to access information.
Our disclosure log provides details of information that has been released in response to non-personal Right to Information requests.
View Queensland Museum's corporate information including reports, policies and Right to Information.
Queensland Museum is the keeping place for the State Collection of more than 1.2 million items.
Contact Queensland Museum Kurilpa via phone between 9am — 5pm Monday to Friday and from 9:30am — 5pm on weekends.