2024 Queensland Women in STEM Prize

Queensland Women in STEM Prize

Recognising outstanding Queensland Women in STEM

The Queensland Women in STEM Prize celebrates the exceptional contributions of Queensland's women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Now in its ninth year, the Queensland Women in STEM Prize aims to foster passion and drive among women and girls, encouraging their active participation and leadership within STEM, including the social sciences. By highlighting the achievements of these emerging leaders, we not only honour their remarkable work but also promote gender equity, diversity, and inclusion in Queensland's scientific and technological sectors.

Queensland's STEM community plays a vital role in driving economic prosperity, sustainability, and community well-being. While advancements in gender equality have opened doors for more women and girls, there remains a need to elevate women's visibility and recognition in leadership roles across STEM disciplines.

Help us to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders and pave the way for transformative change in Queensland's scientific and technological landscape—because when women succeed, we all benefit.

Nominations for the 2024 Queensland Women in STEM Prize have now closed. Winners will be announced in early November 2024.

2022 winners

2021 winners

2020 winners

Toni Hay Women in STEM prize 2020
Toni Hay

Indigenous climate change adaptation

2019 winners

Anu Choudary Women in STEM prize 2019
Anu Choudhary

Taming weeds without herbicides

Claire Villalba Women in STEM prize 2019
Clare Villalba

People in focus: protecting the eyesight of people with diabetes

2018 winners

2017 winners

Image of Nasim Amiralian
Nasim Amiralian

Spinifex grass: hidden gold in the Australian landscape

2016 winners

Image of Shyuan Ngo
Shyuan Ngo

Saving the ageing brain

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