students engaging in learning

About Future Makers

Future Makers is an innovative partnership between Queensland Museum and Shell’s QGC business, who joined forces to increase awareness and understanding of the value of STEM in Queensland schools and communities.

The Future Makers partnership responds directly to national evidence showing the rate of Australian school students participating in STEM subjects has declined.

Demand for STEM professionals continues to grow in Australia, as these skills underpin scientific and technological advances, which boost productivity, create jobs and support the economy.

The partnership aims to increase students’ uptake of and performance in STEM-related subjects and careers, while supporting the STEM priorities of the Queensland and Australian Governments.

Both organisations hope Future Makers’ legacy includes a highly capable and innovative workforce ready to tackle problems and seize opportunities facing our state and nation.

Future Makers - Who are we?


Queensland Museum

For more than 150 years the Queensland Museum has grown alongside Queensland to inspire, enrich and empower communities. The Museum is custodian of the state’s natural and cultural heritage, caring for millions of items and specimens in collections that tell the changing story of Queensland. Services are delivered across the state through a network of public museums.

Queensland Museum is always seeking new ways to engage with communities and classrooms across Queensland to ensure the state’s unique stories and discoveries are accessible to all.

Shell's QGC business

Shell’s QGC business is the world’s first producer of LNG from natural gas sourced from coal seams. Shell’s QGC business are one of Australia’s leading natural gas explorers and producers, focused on developing Queensland’s world-class onshore gas reserves for supply to the domestic market and international customers.

Shell’s QGC business works collaboratively with local communities, landholders, government, business and other important stakeholders to ensure operations provide broad community benefits, create jobs and business opportunities as we explore and develop gas reserves.

Shell’s QGC business aims to develop a legacy in Queensland which inspires future innovation and business development and builds pathways to employment.

Shell’s QGC business social investment program is supported by Shell’s joint venture partners Tokyo Gas and CNOOC, contributing to strong, livable communities across the Western Downs and Gladstone regions.

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Program highlights

  • 920 teachers involved in professional development. 86% are more confident in teaching STEM related subjects.
  • 32,000 users accessing online teacher resources.
  • 7,100 students engaged with industry professionals. 83% of students indicated an increased understanding of potential study and career pathways.
  • 34,000 community attendances at World Science Festival Queensland events in Gladstone and Chinchilla, including 8,300 students. 89% of attendees agreed the event expanded their knowledge of science.

Measuring the impact: Evidence for a new approach

Together with The University of Queensland (UQ), Future Makers will use research to measure the impact of our curriculum-based approach to learning. This will ensure we have important data and feedback to:

  • refine and review our programs
  • share new knowledge
  • help influence policy decisions
  • inform education.

Supported by

  • QGC logo
  • Future Makers logo
  • Queensland Museum and Queensland Government logos

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