The hands of four school students, cutting paper and using glue guns

2024 Future Makers STEM Inventors Challenge | Western Downs

Term 3, Weeks 3 - 10
22 July - 13 September, 2024


Western Downs


Register your students now for the 2024 Future Makers STEM Inventors Challenge!

Taking place in Term 3 and starting from 22 July, the STEM Inventors Challenge is open to Years 5 to 10 students the Western Downs region (Entries from home education students are welcome and encouraged).

Starting with a launch workshop in Chinchilla 6 August, students will work in teams to identify a challenge faced by young people in their community. They will be guided by Queensland Museum facilitators to design a creative, STEM-based solution. At the workshop, students will participate in a range of idea-stimulating activities and learn robotics coding using Micromelon and Picoh robots.

Following the workshop, students will refine their inventive designs through regular online consultations with expert STEM Mentors from Queensland Museum, Shell's QGC business and more. 

All students will receive a certificate and the winning and highly commended teams will take home exciting STEM prize packs.

Last year's winners were Zoe, Mia and Gabby from Chinchilla Christian College with their bushfire detection and extinguishing drone design. What ideas might your students come up with?

Download students preparation booklet for the Community Creators launch workshop


Challenge timeline

Term 3 Week 3
Week starting 22 July — Live Digital Engagement Introduction Session (OPTIONAL)

Term 3 Week 5
6 August — Community Creators (Launch workshop)
Chinchilla RSL

Term 3 Weeks 6–9
12 August–6 September — STEM Mentor Online Consultations

Term 3 Week 10
Week starting 9 September — Online Sharing Sessions

Early October, Term 4
Date TBA — Winners announced

Curriculum Links

The STEM Inventors Challenge links directly to the Design and Technology curriculum for years 7 to 10. Judging criteria and steps along the design-thinking process are curriculum-based and we also provide criteria if you would like to use the challenge as part of your classroom assessment. There are also a number of curriculum links to Digital Technologies. Full curriculum links are provided in the teacher booklets.

What you will receive

The Future Makers team want to make the STEM Inventors Challenge as straightforward and rewarding as possible for everyone involved. As a participant in the challenge you will receive:
Teacher and Student Preparation Booklets (downloadable or we can also post a class set to your school), including:

  • Activities to form a strength-based team
  • Videos and activities around the design-thinking process
  • Activities to identify challenges in your local community and collect data to support these
  • Preparation for the in-person Community Creators Day on 6 August

Community Creators Launch Day

  • In-person on 6 August 2024 at the Chinchilla RSL
  • All materials and catering provided
  • Students will work through activities to explore STEM-based solutions to community problems in general, and commence work on their own solutions
  • Students will also explore innovative technologies and ways to display their solutions 
  • Teacher and Student Design Brief Booklets
  • Activities to work through on the Community Creators Day and throughout Weeks 6 - 9
  • Links to Queensland Museum research, objects and historical designs
  • Project planning templates and resources

Online STEM Mentors

  • Each student group will be connected with an online STEM Mentor to provide advice and support as they work through their design process during Weeks 6 - 9 


  • All participants will receive a certificate with their name
  • The winners will receive a trophy and certificate, as well as a STEM prize pack

To register your students' interest, please complete the expression of interest form by clicking the 'Register' button at the top of the page. Only 1 ticket is required for each class.

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