a woman smiles at a child

Volunteers play an important role at Queensland Museum. We engage volunteers at all of our museums and in many different programs from visitor services to research. Our volunteers enhance our programs beyond the skills and resources of staff and are greatly valued.

Opportunities for volunteers

Queensland Museum encourages community engagement through a rewarding Volunteer Program and is committed to maintaining a comprehensive volunteer base. Volunteer appointments include a number of key areas and offers several different types of work for adults of all ages, interest and skill levels.

Volunteer opportunities arise across various departments, including:

Skills and qualifications

There are no specific qualifications required to become a volunteer at the museum. The most important attributes are: a strong commitment to the program, an interest in the museum’s exhibitions and an enjoyment in talking to and engaging with the public. Queensland Museum houses a vast number and variety of displays, however you will be able to acquire the skills needed to interpret these displays through the Volunteer Training Program.

Benefits of volunteering

  • Learn more about your own backyard, the natural and cultural heritage of Queensland.
  • Educate visitors about heritage of Queensland.
  • Participate in learning and public programming activities, including school holidays programs.
  • Discover how the museum works behind the scenes.
  • Assist our team behind the scenes.
  • Obtain valuable work experience to enhance your skills or assist in your studies.
  • Make new friends, we have a fantastic team of volunteers!

Interested in volunteering?

We encourage you to submit an expression of interest if you would like to volunteer for the museum.

Express interest

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