school girls interact with a large stick insect

Plan your school visit

Everything you need to know to plan your school or children's group visit to the museum.

Bookings are essential for all schools and groups of 10+ students.

Getting here

Please arrive at Queensland Museum Kurilpa 15 minutes early to take care of registration, cloaking and paperwork.

Schools and children's groups please enter the museum on Level 0, Grey Street entrance.

A Visitor Experience Officer will meet you to confirm the details of your visit, store bags, discuss your itinerary and handle any paperwork.

Brisbane Cultural Precinct map

Queensland Museum Kurilpa is located on the corner of Grey and Melbourne Streets, within the Queensland Cultural Centre Precinct.

By bus
Drop-off on Grey Street outside the Dinosaur Garden, Stanley Street Tunnel or Stanley Place.

Due to Brisbane City Council Brisbane Metro South Brisbane construction work, the bus temporary parking area will be located along Montague Road until mid-2024.

By train
Arrive at South Brisbane station and cross the road at the Grey and Melbourne Streets intersection.

By car
There is a public car park directly below the museum. Enter via the Stanley Street tunnel. The car park is pay on entry and accepts credit card payment only. The car park clearance height is maximum 2m.

More information on how to get here & parking

Timing your visit

Queensland Museum Kurilpa is open daily from 9:30am — 5pm.

Your length of visit will depend on which areas of the museum you wish to visit.

Temporary exhibition sessions are currently 1 hour. School programs run for approximately 45 minutes.

SparkLab sessions are currently 1 hour 15 minutes. Session times available for school and children's group visits (Queensland school terms) are:

  • 10am — 11:15am
  • 11:30am — 12:45pm
  • 1pm — 2:15pm

A detailed itinerary will be created for each individual group by the Bookings Officer.

What's on

Supervision and group size

A school or children's group is identified as having a minimum of 10 students, plus supervising adults and teachers. Maximum group size depends on which exhibitions or school programs you are booking.

Please divide your students into small groups with an adult allocated for each group.

The recommended supervision ratio of adults to students:

  • 1:3 for Prep
  • 1:5 for Years 1-6
  • 1:10 for Years 7-10
  • 1:15 for Years 11-12

Teachers and accompanying adults are responsible for the supervision of their students while visiting and we ask they remain with their group at all times.

Museum staff are available to assist with visitor flow, however it is the responsibility of teachers to ensure that the itineraries are followed and allocated times are observed.

Please note the Museum Shop can not accommodate large groups of students. Please allow only small, supervised groups into the shop.

Short shop visits can be included on your itinerary, booked via the School Booking Form.

Moving around the museum
Students are asked to use the stairs or escalators when moving between floors. Students should not use the lifts unless necessary.

We also ask that groups consider other museum visitors. Please observe social distancing and keep noise levels down in public galleries.

Moving around SparkLab
Schools and children's groups will move through the SparkLab exhibition for a 1 hour 15 minutes hands-on experience. There are three zones within the exhibition, as well as facilitated learning experiences at set times.

Schools and children's groups can spread out within the exhibition, move through the zones in any order at their leisure and chat with the SparkLab staff within the exhibition.Please divide your students into small groups with an adult allocated for each group.

We encourage Primary Teachers to divide your students into small groups with an adult allocated for each group. As the students explore the exhibits, the adult can model the learning process, such as reading out the text, asking open-ended questions, testing out ideas, communicating their observations, making changes to what they are testing, and sharing possible explanations.

For more information about moving around the museum, view our map.

View map

Cost and invoicing

A general museum visit is free of charge.

School programs led by museum staff: range in prices. Supervising adults are free. A minimum payment for 20 students is required for school programs.

SparkLab: Groups of 10 or more students: $10 (GST free) per student. Supervising adults within ratio are free, additional adults charged concession price.

Please be aware that all prices are subject to change.

Your booking is confirmed only when you receive emailed confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 5 working days, please contact the Booking Officer.

If you have questions about your booking or if the confirmation document does not reflect your submitted booking, email us or phone (07) 3153 4401.

Notice of cancellation
We require at least seven (7) days' notice prior to the visit when cancelling. Cancellations received less than seven (7) days prior to the visit will result in an administration fee. Cancellations may be sent via phone or email.

If your group numbers increase or decrease by more than 5, please inform the Bookings Officer as soon as possible.

For invoicing, complete the confirmation and an invoice will be emailed 1-2 weeks after your visit.

Payment via cheque, make payable to ‘Queensland Museum’. Major credit cards are also accepted.

Free visit for teachers

We invite teachers, early years educators and group supervisors to preview the museum prior to your visit to plan and prepare for your group’s learning experiences. As some exhibitions are ticketed, entry fees apply for family members and accompanying guests. Book online now to arrange your free entry.

Book now

Facilities and services

Schools Risk Assessment Guide
Download our Risk Assessment & Certificate of Currency for schools and groups.

Cloaking and bag storage
Bag storage is currently located on Level 0, Grey Street entrance. Please limit the size and number of bags as our storage is reduced at this time.

Please note the handling and storage of personal items will be conducted by students, teachers and/or supervising adults. Museum staff will not be handling any school or group items. No responsibility will be taken for loss of valuables.

On your arrival, toilets are available on Level 0, Level 2 and Level 4. Groups visiting SparkLab are welcome to use toilets in SparkLab on Level 1. Toilets also available within Café Muse on Level 2.

Lunch and refreshments
Students are welcome to bring their lunch and eat outside in the Dinosaur Garden on Level 0, Level 1 near the blue sculpture, along the river bank, or Level 2 East Terrace outside the main entrance.

You cannot eat or drink inside the museum unless you have specific medical needs. Water bubblers are available in SparkLab and in the Dinosaur Garden.

Please be considerate of other schools, groups and the public who may also be using these areas.

Lunch packs
Lunch packs are available to order via Café Muse for schools and groups visiting Queensland Museum Kurilpa.

Lunch packs must be pre-booked and paid for via Café Muse separate to your museum visit arrangements.

Lunch packs collection is from Café Muse on Level 2.

How to order lunch packs

  1. Download the Kids Lunch Pack and Order Form
  2. Select your package
  3. Email the completed order form
  4. You will receive a confirmation and request for payment within 24 hours.

Email now

For further information contact our Café team on (07) 3840 7221.

Visitors with individual needs
We aim to provide equitable access to all visitors.

There is lift access to the museum from the car park and for bus and taxi passengers from Grey Street.

All entrances and areas are wheelchair accessible. Accessible toilet facilities are located on Level 0 and Level 2.

View accessibility information

Making the most of your visit

Read our helpful guide for teachers and group leaders about maximising learning opportunities.

View resource

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